You're Not a Serial Rapist Ch. 12

The trip was lonely. It felt like I had left a part of me there. I guess, in reality, I had. I need a distraction tonight.

I pulled in around 5:30. The middle of March in norther Illinois is still raw. That didn't stop my parents from setting up the grill and grilling some 'home grown' steaks. It had been a while since I ate something like that, and with a couple of beers. It felt good to be home... kind of.

We sat at the kitchen table and got caught up. They, of course, asked how Kathy was. I think they could tell, as I smiled, recalling her sitting on my lap in the whirl tub. They asked how Kathy's parents reacted to the news that she was going to live up here... together... with me. Told them that, like them, they weren't nuts about the idea; but, knew how we felt about each other and that we would probably do it anyway. I left out the part about her dad, getting assurance that my plan was to marry his daughter.

They asked what my immediate plans were... like in the coming days.

My plans were to start looking for a job. I had no experience in finding a job. I had gone to a couple of the job fairs that the school had held, and had talked with a couple of companies. The engineering school held sessions to help us with resumes and interviewing, so I had some practice. They also gave some ideas on how to find a job: classifieds, word of mouth, and then agencies (head hunters). That the agencies were probably the best method, as companies sought them out and would pay their fees. Also, agencies would polish my resume, help with the whole interview process, screen the candidates and try to get a good fit for both parties. The trick was to find one that dealt with professional positions. So, it was either in toward Chicago, or Rockford. Rockford being a manufacturing city seem the best initial choice. Plus, it was only half an hour away from my parents. The hunt for our apartment would come later.

They brought me up to date on everything that had happened around there... not much. Tonight, they had planned on going to the Club, it was something they did pretty much every Saturday night, and asked if I wanted to go too. I figured 'why not', it was better than sitting home getting depressed and missing her. I could write a letter, but since it wouldn't go out until Monday morning, I figured I had time.

It wasn't the same. I felt so lonely. My parents knew I was in the dumps, and tried to get me out. A few people asked about my 'girlfriend'. I tried my best to briefly explain that I had finished and was home looking for a job and that Kathy would be finishing at the end of the quarter. That we would see what would happen.

Fortunately, I drove my own car... I left early.

Sitting at my desk, the bookend photo album and portrait in front of me, I started my first of many letters to my girlfriend, hundreds of miles away... most likely laying in her own bed. After giving her the boring details of my drive and being out earlier, I settled into our letter 'conversations' like the summer before.

'Were you awake when I left?'

Her reply, 'Yes. I'm glad you didn't say or do anything. I would have lost it. Oh, and thank you for the 'gift'. It smells just like you. I was going to wear it to bed, but was afraid your scent would be lost. So now, I just have it by my face... imagining you there next to me and sleeping naked.

'I like the idea of looking at the moon together and connecting.'

My reply, 'I'm glad you liked it. I also am grateful for your 'gift'. I was thinking of doing the same, but was concerned that some morning I would forget and my mom might find it. So, now I just bring them out when I'm sitting here writing to you. You smell divine. Yes. I sleep naked too.'

Her reply, 'I knew you would come to see me off. I loved the blown kiss. I almost lost it. What time at night do you 'think' of me?'

My reply, 'I had to come to see you one more time. I 'think' of you around 11:00 each night.'

Her reply, '11:00... I can make that work. Let's see if we can 'communicate'. Although, I'm sure your 'communication' will be messier than mine.' I could see the grin as she wrote that last sentence.

Our letters to each other were daily. The bad thing was mail was about 3 days each way so each response was a week later. Oh well.

About a week, or so, later I had another inspiration; once, or twice a week I would just write out a short 'love message' on an index card.

The first one went something like this, "I miss you the most at night, when everything is quiet. The silence reminds me that I'm not sleeping with you."

The response I received a week later was a single card with an, "Oh my," followed by a love message of her own, "I just want to lay on your chest and listen to your heart beat. Just bare skin to bare skin."

The next one to Kathy said, "Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason."

And that's how we filled in our 'away time'.


By chance, I found an agency in Rockford, through the Rockford paper. They were both a temporary and permanent agency that filled both secretarial and professional positions. Months later I would look back at this chance selection and wonder if this was another one of those guiding 'circumstances' that seemed to frequently present themselves to me... to us.

The recruiter's name was Robert. He was in his late thirties. Seemed athletically fit. His personality really came through. I could tell that he had that uncanny ability to relate to everyone he came in contact with. I felt very comfortable with him. I knew right then, that Kathy would be going through him in her search for a position.

He spent an hour with me that first afternoon, asking me what I wanted to do. I wasn't sure. I mean mechanical engineering covers a lot of ground and Rockford, being a manufacturing city, offered a lot of areas, as they did stuff for aerospace and the military. He asked if I would do any traveling, like doing field service. I had to say that I preferred not to. I carefully explained that my girlfriend, and soon-to-be fiancé would be joining me after graduation. One of the things I wanted to make clear, was that somehow I need to go back to school for the graduation ceremony. He said that was reasonable and that I should emphasize that point during my interviews

It took a week, but then I got a call to come over on a Monday early morning, and to be dressed for interviews. Robert had two set up for Monday, and two each for the next two days. Then we would sit and see what happened.

Most went pretty well.

One was kind of unusual. It was a large family owned machine shop, where they designed, and machined parts for the aerospace industry and military. The company had been a cornerstone business for the city since before World War II. The grounds were beautifully landscaped and enclosed in a ten foot high wrought iron fence. Everybody started out in the machine shop running a lathe, even engineers. It had strict dress code, even for the machinists... plain white shirt and black tie. Even the machinist's apron were cleaned and pressed each day. The atmosphere was patriarchal. Meaning that if they thought you needed a haircut, they would tell you. If they thought the car you were driving was too much, they would tell you. They had their own cafeteria, sleeping area, and even a barber shop. Everything was set up during the War so that the employees could be on site 24 hours a day putting out the necessary parts. Part of the interviewing process was that I had to take a test... and engineering test... solving engineering and mathematical problems.

The Robert asked what I thought of the company. I told him I didn't think they would approve of my living arrangements. He laughed and agreed. He only sent me there for the experience. Since I didn't have anything else to do, I was fine.

During one of my visits with Robert, I asked about possible positions for Kathy. That her degree was in Communications with a minor in business and the areas she was hoping to get into. I didn't know her grade point average; but I assumed it was pretty good... better than mine. He looked at me for a moment and asked if I had a picture of her. I didn't, at least not with me.

The next time I was there for an interview, I showed him Kathy's portrait and the photo her mom took of her wearing the sun dress where her back was toward the camera, showing her completely tanned back and long tanned legs, looking back over her shoulder, and flashing the "Kathy" smile... my favorite.

"She is not going to have a problem getting a job around here. When you guys get settled, have her come see me. I'd be happy to work with her."

I had kept Kathy up-to-date on my interviewing progress. My letter that night, I gave her the good news. A week later, I could tell the joy, and relief, in her words at that news.

Nights alone in my bed, the bed that she had slept in... naked, my mind would always drift to her. Visions of my dear girlfriend, which I had burned into my brain came to life. Some erotic and sensual. Some just her. The way she would smile... the bright white teeth against her tanned complexion. Her delicate pink tongue poking through and sensually wetting her soft pink lips. Those blue gray eyes. The thin honey blonde eyebrows. The way she would tease... leaning forward, her blouse billowing open, those small tanned smooth mounds of female flesh... the erect pink nipples. Her grin, as she would look up at me, knowing what she was letting me feast on and that I was appreciating every sensuous lick and kiss. Images of her laying in her bed... the same bed we made love those nights and mornings before Thanksgiving. I need to see her... to be with her.

It had been about four weeks since I got home. One week finding and contacting the recruiting agency and the last three weeks interviewing. I was getting pretty good. Sometimes it started at the HR manager and then proceeded to the hiring manager. Other times, at smaller companies, it was only the hiring manager. Most of the companies in the 'machine tool' industry, which meant they made all kinds of metal working machines for a lot of areas in manufacturing; auto and industrial being the biggest. Others just designed and made parts. That seemed kind of boring.

One company was intriguing. It was a company that designed and assembled water treatment systems for industrial, refineries, and power plants. The nuclear industry was just beginning so there were a lot of demands for various water treatment systems to produce the steam to run the turbines. It was such a company that I got my first offer.

I had interviewed with the Chief Mechanical Engineer and then the Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer. While moving through the office I noticed that there about eight engineers, about half of the Engineers were close to my age. The center was filled with two rows of drafting tables. This was decades before CAD was even a vision. Everything was drawn and detailed by hand.

The application engineers would put together the basic system: filters, softeners, ion exchangers and any auxiliary pieces of equipment. Some of the systems would treat water up to 600 gallons a minute. The engineers would each be assigned a project and would do the detailed engineering: sizing and selection of pumps, valves, etc that would then be sent to purchasing.

The company had an assembly shop, where all the components would come in and be assembled and then shipped out. A typical project would take 18 to 20 weeks, depending on complexity. They also had a line of 'standard' products that offered various options. It would be here that I would start.

After my second interview with them, Robert called and told me that they had offered $750 a month. I had no idea if that was good, or not. It worked out to about $4.50 an hour. It was more than I made at the dairy over the summer, and it was only the starting salary to someone who knew absolutely nothing about the water treatment industry. I took it. I would start the week after next. It would give them time to get an office for me put together.

I needed to call Kathy. A letter wasn't going to cut it. We had only spoken on a couple of Sunday evenings since I left. This was on a Thursday. I asked if I could call after the rates went down. I couldn't wait until Sunday. My parents were understanding, as long as I kept the call reasonable.



"Kath... I got a job."

I swear, if I had stepped outside, I would have heard the shriek of joy. In between the tears of joy I heard, I gave her all of the details. When I would be starting. How much I was going to get. That I was planning on staying at my parents for a few weeks so I could save some cash, before looking for our apartment. And most importantly... I wanted to come down to see her. I knew I had enough in my savings account to cover gas, food, and a motel room for two nights. She was ecstatic. I was thinking of the following weekend.

Ten seconds after our call ended, Valerie got a call. I swear, this time I heard their combined shrieks over the still night air.

My letter to her that night ended with, 'In eight days, I'm going to show you how much I've missed you.'

The morning I left go down to see her, her letter reply ended with, 'In three days, I'm going to show you much I love you... after you show me how much you have missed me.'

I could see the mischievous grin as she placed that period at the end of the sentence. My dick throbbed.


It was the third week in April. In southern Illinois, the weather was cool and wet. I didn't care, as I planned on spending the time naked, in bed with the love of my life, and screwing our ever-loving brains out.

I knew her last class ended at 3:00 and planned on getting there around 3:30. I called up to her room and she was bounding out of the elevator minutes later. I'm sure we put on a show, as she yelled my name and then bounded into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist, and burying her face into my shoulder.

On the way to the car, her head on my shoulder, "I'm not wearing any panties," I sucked in a lungful of air and pulled her in closer. I already knew she didn't have a bra on... this just upped my level of arousal... of lust.

Two minutes later, as I tried to calmly drive, "I'm so wet... I want you to feel how wet I am," unbuttoning her slacks, taking my hand, and pushing it through her damp fur, my fingers found a level of slickness I had never touched.

Kathy let out a moan as my finger grazed her hypersensitive clit. Her hand now grasping the outline of my hardening member through my slacks.

Moving her hand down to cup my scrotum and squeezing, "I'm going to empty these guys, until there's nothing left," I groaned, "What are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to fuck you until you scream my name to the world... I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk," her grip tightening, "I'm going to fill this hot pussy of yours," my finger pressing into her sodden folds, "with so much cum, you'll be leaking for a week."

"OH YES... I can't wait to have you inside of me. I can't wait to feel you shoot your big load into me."

I stepped on the accelerator.

Once inside the motel, our lips devoured each other. Our passion and longing seemed no end. My mouth was warm, insistent and aggressive in taking what I wanted. Nothing about it was soft, or innocent, or romantic. Urgency and brazen desires bounced between us as my hands moved up and down her body. I cupped and squeezed her braless breasts through her shirt. Kathy let out a long groan as my grip on her breasts tightened. My fingers finding the engorged nipples and roughly pinching. Kathy let out a loud moan as our tongues fought each other, as if to see who could taste each other the most and the deepest.

Clothes were quickly stripped off, and I literally mean stripped.

"I need a shower," as we stood embraced in our bareness.

"Later. Right now I need you. I need you like nothing I've ever needed before," her eyes aflame with an equal hunger. In her eyes I saw a beast; a wild beast whose eyes were telling me to do one thing and one thing only. Those eyes said only three words: fuck... me... now.

Whipping the covers down, Kathy sprawled out on the white sheets... spread eagled. Her pink folds glistening. Her wetness dripping down between her butt cheeks.

"Come on... show your girlfriend how much you've missed her. Fill me with that big hard piece of 'man meat'... and then fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me deep. Fuck me the way that you know I love it."

I love it when she talks dirty. My dick thoroughly coated with her milky whiteness as my length traced her sodden folds, I bottomed out in one forceful thrust.

As I pushed into her pussy, I moaned at the feeling. Kathy let out a guttural groan. My girlfriend was hot. My girlfriend was wet. I looked up and saw that her eyes were on fire with a primal need... pure unadulterated lust.

"OOOHHH God... YES."

When I was completely buried in her, I stroked back and forth a few times, savoring the wet flesh of her pussy sucking on my cock.

Her head back.... Eyes closed. The veins in her neck bulging as she wrapped her legs around my waist, locking her heels, her warmth flowing into my hardness.

"Come on... do me," she hissed, "NOW!!"

I did. I pounded that lovely sweet pussy. My pussy. All the while Kathy's animated body responding to each deep forceful thrust as I fucked that lovely body beneath me. Kathy gasped each time I was fully inside her, as though I was forcing the air out of her lungs. Her legs now splayed to their maximum as she opened herself completely to me, offering her body to me for my pleasure. The thought made me drive my cock into her pussy harder and harder. Her little mounds of female flesh swimming on her chest with each thrust. High pitched cries coming from her throat as I embedded my cock deep inside of her. If her eyes were on fire, then her pussy was a furnace. It felt so right to have her hot flesh wrapped around my cock like this.

My thrusts got more forceful. I could feel her love canal getting wetter. I could even hear the squishing sounds of our coupling over the sounds of my flesh slapping against hers.

"Kath... I'm going to cum," I gasped.

"Yes. Oh Yes! Cum for me... Oh please cum for me. Fill me... I so need to feel you fill me. Make me yours again."

One last and deep thrust.My balls tightened as I erupted deep inside of her with one forceful spurt after another... that primal instinct to drive my seed as deep into her as I could. I filled her tight cavity with days upon days of pent up sperm. I collapsed as her arms encircled me. Her face in my shoulder. I could feel tears, as she silently wept.

"Oh Bill... I love you so much... so very much. When you told me you were coming down here I couldn't contain myself. I tried to concentrate on my classes; but, all I could think about was what just happened. All I could envision was your hard lovely cock pounding my wet pussy. As you once again, showed me how much you missed me."

"I love you Kathy. I saved up days of my stuff for just this moment. I wanted my balls full to be overflowing so I could fill you."

We lay together, each of us basking in our shared glow, our collective love juices seeping from her folds. I gave her more details on my job. She listened intently. Kathy was intrigued, and relieved, by what the recruiter had said that she would have no problem finding a job. She asked if I had any idea on where we would live. At that point, I hadn't spent any time really looking. I had read some classifieds to get an idea on rents, but, didn't know where any of the apartments were located. I was hoping that some of my coworkers would be able to steer me away from the undesirable side of town.r"


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